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Ye Old Funk courses through TC Poole veins, the pure Funk that was there in the beginning, forging planet Funkatron.


Cute Cats

Princess Jasmin, Prince Aladdin, and Abu. Captain TC Poole’s cats are his co-pilots, keeping the TC Falcon on its path.


Years of Streaming

Self taught in 3d, 2d, VR, motion graphics, all in the span of 3 years. But, please, tell me more about your latest kill streak in COD….

The Core Crew

The TC Falcon is a big ship, and the Captain needs help running things. Here’s the hodgepodge crew that assists TC:

TC’s own AI


Crafted by TC’s subconcious, this AI is very unique and very sassy. She takes on various forms including cyborg humanoid, humanoid, robot, and ephemeral host.

Cheif Engineer of Funk and Cheer


From planet Buckwildion, this Thunderbrew loving, salted pork-eating dwarve is already ready for a round at the Brew Nar Narnia.

Engine of the TC Falcon


An every adventerous mouse, little Nibblesworth is from planet Nibbleheim where he fought along side Captain Poole in the great Piglian Wars.